Tuesday, March 16, 2010




Rules and Regulations for Tobacco, Drugs, and/or Alcohol

The following rules and regulations apply to all student participants involved in school activities

whether in the United States or in a foreign country.

1. Regardless of the quantity, all activity participants shall not:

a. use or possess a beverage containing alcohol

b. use or possess any tobacco product

c. use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away marijuana or any controlled substance.

d. knowingly go to, remain at, or pick up others from a gathering where moodaltering drugs or alcohol are being used or are going to be used by one or more minors.

e. RCW 69.41.020-69.41.050 - A violation of this code, which includes Legend drugs, shall be considered a violation of the eligibility code and standards, and shall subject the student to disciplinary actions. Penalties for violation of this code will be listed in the Penalties section.

Students participating in educational tours to foreign countries shall consult with the assistant principal in charge of activities concerning activity code guidelines. It is not a violation for a be in possession of a legally defined drug specifically prescribed by a physician for the student’s student to own use.

Tobacco/Alcohol/Illegal Drugs - School District Policy And Student Eligibility

RCW 18A.600.010 and RCW 28A.600.40 grant school districts the authority to adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations regarding school conduct for its students. Each WIAA member school shall be required to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for students who possess or use tobacco/alcohol/illegal drugs while participating on an interscholastic team o activity group, which is governed by WIAA. 23.331 - School district rules and regulations regarding student possession and/or use of tobacco/alcohol/illegal drugs shall be adopted by each school district’s board of directors and shall be communicated to students in written form prior to the first practice of each activity season. These policies shall have the effect of discouraging student use/abuse of tobacco/alcohol/illegal drugs and shall encourage utilization of school and community resources for assessment and possible treatment of tobacco/alcohol/illegal drug related problems. School and community resources shall be identified for students who seek help or who are referred for clinical assessment and diagnosis.

1st Violation - The student will need to get a drug/alcohol assessment; attend an Education Workshop sponsored by Educational Service District #101; and the student will lose eligibility for the next four (4) consecutive events or four (4) weeks of a season, whichever is greater. The four (4) events will be changed to two (2) events and two (2) weeks (whichever is greater) if the student’s parent/guardian attends the Education Workshop with their student.

Investigative Penalty - If an investigation is needed to ascertain that a student has violated the activities code, the following penalty will be applied: The student will lose eligibility for the next four (4) consecutive events or four (4) weeks of school activity participation, whichever is greater, plus attend an Education Workshop sponsored by Educational Service District #101. If the student does not start/finish the ESD 101 classes, they will be through for the season.

2nd Violation - A student who again violates any provision of RCW 28A.600.40 shall be ineligible and prohibited from participation for a period of one calendar year from the date of the second violation.

3rd Violation - A student who violates for a third time RCW 28A.600.40 shall be permanently prohibited from participation in any WIAA member school activity program.

Penalty (non-athletic): A student who violates the code will miss a minimum of one event (the next event). Further restrictions may be determined by the administration, advisor of the activity and/or the Assistant Principal in charge of activities. 23.30.1 Penalties for Violation of RCW 69.41.020 - 69.41.050 (Legend drugs including anabolic steroids possession, sale, and/or use) - A violation of RCW 69.41.05 shall be considered a violation of the eligibility code and standards, and shall subject the student to disciplinary actions. The following penalties will be administered:

1st violation - Students shall be immediately ineligible for participation in the current activities program for the remainder of the season. Ineligibility shall continue until the next season in which the student wishes to turn out. In order to be eligible to participate the next activities season, the student shall meet with the school eligibility board, consisting of coaches, advisors and administrators selected by the principal, to request approval to participate. The school eligibility board will recommend to the principal appropriate action to be taken in the student’s case. The school principal shall have the final authority as to the student’s participation in the activities program. A student who seeks and receives help for a problem with use of Legend drugs (RCW 69.41.010 identifies substances) shall be given the opportunity for assistance through the school and/or community agencies. In no instance shall participation in a school and/or community approved assistance program excuse a student from subsequent compliance with this regulation. However, successful utilization of such an opportunity or

compliance with activities code by the student may allow him/her to have eligibility reinstated in the activities program, pending recommendation by the school eligibility authority.

2nd Violation - A student who again violates any provision of RCW 69.41.020 through 69.41.050 shall be ineligible and prohibited from participating in any WIAA member school activities program for a period of one (1) year from the date of the second violation.

3rd Violation - A student who violates for a third time RCW 69.41.020-69.41.050 shall be permanently prohibited.




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